---Proudly serving Placer, Nevada, El Dorado, Napa, Marin, San Fransico counties, Bay Area and surrounding---

---Proudly serving Placer, Nevada, El Dorado, Napa, Marin, San Fransico counties, Bay Area and surrounding---

We specialize in Fire prevention and defensible space management solutions tailored to protect your property.

We are fully licensed and insured

Although wildfires are our greatest competitor, they are also our greatest sales men
— Jonathan Lund



Are You Ready to Partner with Lund Brothers?

At Lund Brothers,– we're your dedicated allies in safeguarding your property.

Our team is committed to delivering personalized solutions tailored to your unique needs, whether it's creating defensible space zones, clearing dense vegetation, removing hazardous trees, or providing prompt storm cleanup services. We combine industry-leading expertise with a passion for environmental stewardship to ensure that your property is prepared for whatever nature may bring.

When you partner with Lund Brothers, We'll work closely with you every step of the way, from initial consultation to project completion, to ensure that your expectations are not only met but exceeded.

Contact Lund Brothers today to get protected!

Lund Brothers: A Journey Home

It all started with a conversation between two brothers, Jonathan and James Lund, as they sat reminiscing about their childhood adventures amidst the serene foothills of Auburn, California. Both brothers had pursued successful careers in different parts of the country, but there was always a longing for the tranquil beauty of their hometown.

One balmy evening, as the sun dipped below the rolling hills, Jonathan broached an idea that stirred a sense of nostalgia in both their hearts. "What if we returned home?" he proposed, his voice filled with determination. "Back to where we grew up, where the oak trees sway in the gentle breeze."

James's response was immediate and unwavering. "I've been thinking the same thing," he admitted, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. "It's time to come back to our roots and protect the land that shaped us."

And so, driven by a shared sense of purpose and a desire to make a meaningful impact, the Lund brothers made the decision to return to their hometown in Auburn, California, with a mission to safeguard its natural beauty.

Inspired by the tranquil charm of their surroundings and fueled by a deep-seated commitment to environmental stewardship, Jonathan and James founded Lund Brothers, a company dedicated to protecting homes and properties from the threat of wildfires while preserving the pristine landscapes they cherished.

With their intimate knowledge of the local terrain and a passion for fire prevention, the Lund brothers quickly established themselves as leaders in the field, offering expert defensible space solutions tailored to the unique needs of their community.

From clearing dense underbrush to removing hazardous trees and providing swift storm cleanup services, Lund Brothers became synonymous with reliability, integrity, and a deep respect for the land, earning the admiration and trust of their neighbors and peers.

Today, as they stand beneath the sprawling oak trees of their hometown, Jonathan and James know that they've come full circle, returning to the tranquil foothills of Auburn, California, where their journey began, and leaving a lasting legacy of protection for generations to come.